The linked video below depicts scenes from yesterday’s Field of Dreams reenactment by Major League Baseball. I thought it was really cool for a couple reasons. First, the scenery is spectacularly well done. The other reason was the end of Ray’s/Kevin’s speech when he mentioned that the field was for the players. He states the purpose behind all the magic.
The other day I happened onto a good article from Justin Bourne on SportsNet recently where he commented on playing hockey at high levels. He said, “To make it, many players have to play heavily coached hockey, and that’s not a brand of hockey anyone actually set out to play as a kid.” It’s an interesting point. Players appeal to coaches with their style. But do coaches appeal to players with their styles as well? I think we’ve seen major leaps in this exchange recently. But I think there’s more magic to be had when coaches experiment and leave the players to their own devices, especially after they’re given two ways to consider.