“Communication is a prerequisite to problem-solving and one of the most fundamental skills in life. Communication can be defined as mutual understanding. The main problem in communication is the translation problem: translating what we mean into what we say, and translating what we say into what we mean. The first challenge, therefore, is to learn to say what we mean; the second challenge is to learn to listen so that we understand what others mean. The key to ‘accurate translation’, or effective two-way communication is high trust. You can communicate with someone you trust almost without words, you can even make mistakes in verbal communication and still find that they get your meaning. But when the trust level is low you’ll find it that it really makes little difference how hard you try to communicate, how good you are in technique, how clear your language is. When trust is high communication is easy, effortless instantaneous, and accurate. When trust is low communication is extremely difficult exhausting and ineffective. The key to communication is trust and the key to trust is trustworthiness. Living a life of integrity is the best guarantee of maintaining the climate of effective communication. As with all natural processes, there are no shortcuts, no quick fixes.” From Principle Centered Leadership by Covey p138